Sunday, July 23, 2017

Travel Journal - The End

    There won't be Day 9 or Day 10 post. I've been thinking what to write this one last post of my Travel Jornal about. I decided not get into details of another free tour thing, or about Irish pub experience, or about how our flight got detailed, and how eventually my umbrella stayed at Micheline star restaurant, how very colorful little houses in Dublin, and how there is a little bit of green everywhere and in/on everyone. Since this whole travel journal was about fighting my fear of traveling alone, you would probably expect me to say that in the last post I fought my fear and I now absolutely enjoy traveling alone. No, spoiler alert! I definitely won't be saying that.
    Traveling is very important part of our lives. This is a fact, and I will not argue about it. It is new experiences, it is resetting our heads from everyday routine, it is wanting to explore and learn more, it is something that is going to give you the inspiration to make a life change or try something new when you come back, it is wanting to come back home, it is missing the people that you left home and them missing you even more. Again I won't be saying that traveling alone is great because I also think that a very important part of the journey is sharing it with someone, and better if it's someone special, someone, who enjoys that journey with you or will be there for you if not everything goes as it's planned. I saw so many couples during this trip and them holding their hands or holding each other is also part of the whole experience.
   I'm very happy I had enough self-discipline to write this journal every single day no matter what. No matter what time of the night it was or how tired I was, no matter if it was a horrible day or maybe not very exciting day, no matter if there was a lot to write about or not very much at all, no matter if I was not in the mood or words didn't come to me that easily, I wrote EVERY SINGLE Day. I'm happy to know that someone was actually reading, and that kept me going too. This week, or more like 10 days, was discovery not just of 2 new countries, it was the discovery of myself in a sense and me as a writer as well. I learned that I can actually travel with a limited amount of clothes, I can travel without the internet or phone connection, I can not eat for more than 24 hours, I can go to the Broadway show not wearing a dress, I can talk to the people on the street, I can seem cool to people who meet me for the first time, I can be completely unlucky and can be very surprisingly lucky.
   Thank you to those people who have been reading every post and cheered me to write more, thank you for the support on my bad days and being happy for me on my good days. I will try to keep writing, not sure about what yet. But whether it's going to be my next trip or something else, you'll be the first to read it.
                                                                                                                                            Love you,
                                                                                                                                            Anya <3

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